
Blog, Column 2, Column 3

Why you should choose foil cocktail party invitations

There are hundreds of reasons to have a cocktail party, and almost as many ways to celebrate

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer interdum sem ac magna. Integer in lectus sed ligula commodo commodo. In molestie, neque et porta lobortis, ligula sem auctor mauris, a luctus lacus quam sit amet augue. Aliquam eu felis. Nullam vel erat. Phasellus erat nibh, nonummy sit amet, lobortis quis, imperdiet ornare, dolor. Nunc odio. Nulla eros neque, egestas ut, auctor eu, luctus vitae, nisi. Aenean malesuada leo a nunc. Etiam fermentum neque in justo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean tellus eros, consectetuer ut, hendrerit ut, rutrum at, nunc. Integer dolor odio, posuere nec, molestie at, tincidunt at, lacus. Maecenas at nibh.


Five Best Photo-Printing Sites

Digital cameras are fantastic for letting us experiment, take tons of photos, and search for the perfect shot. Digital picture frames and at-home prints are often poor substitutes for real…

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1 minute read
Blog, Column 2, Column 3, printing, Uncategorized

Why you should choose foil cocktail party invitations

There are hundreds of reasons to have a cocktail party, and almost as many ways to celebrate

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer interdum sem ac magna. Integer in lectus sed ligula commodo commodo. In molestie, neque et porta lobortis, ligula sem auctor mauris, a luctus lacus quam sit amet augue. Aliquam eu felis. Nullam vel erat. Phasellus erat nibh, nonummy sit amet, lobortis quis, imperdiet ornare, dolor. Nunc odio. Nulla eros neque, egestas ut, auctor eu, luctus vitae, nisi. Aenean malesuada leo a nunc. Etiam fermentum neque in justo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean tellus eros, consectetuer ut, hendrerit ut, rutrum at, nunc. Integer dolor odio, posuere nec, molestie at, tincidunt at, lacus. Maecenas at nibh.

Industry, Life Style, Photograph

Create a Beautiful Wedding

Boutique festival Secret Garden went down in Sydney’s Camden over the weekend, and all the free-spirited kids came out to play in a mix of creative and outlandish ensembles. Seriously, if you didn’t scream eccentric and quirky, you would’ve felt like the odd one out amongst the aliens, mermaids and glittery hippies dripping in face paint, flash tatts, tiaras,…

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Integer interdum sem ac magna. Integer in lectus sed ligula commodo commodo. In molestie, neque et porta lobortis, ligula sem auctor mauris, a luctus lacus quam sit amet augue. Aliquam eu felis. Nullam vel erat. Phasellus erat nibh, nonummy sit amet, lobortis quis, imperdiet ornare, dolor. Nunc odio. Nulla eros neque, egestas ut, auctor eu, luctus vitae, nisi. Aenean malesuada leo a nunc. Etiam fermentum neque in justo. Aliquam erat volutpat. Aenean tellus eros, consectetuer ut, hendrerit ut, rutrum at, nunc. Integer dolor odio, posuere nec, molestie at, tincidunt at, lacus. Maecenas at nibh.

Industry, Life Style, Photograph

Autumn Leaves Gelli Print Card

I didn’t know that Father Christmas read my blog, but after my last post I had a phone call asking me if I’d like some Distress Markers for Christmas. Apparently he was a bit busy so his got some of his little helpers, who sounded remarkably like Mum and Dad, to do it for him. Wasn’t that nice?

It’s time to take everything you learned in college about economies of scale and apply it to that ink-sucking monster with the lonely USB cable. Is it cheaper to print photo-quality prints at home, or through an online vendor? This spreadsheet knows. It’s a helpful, formula-laden, and free download at the How-To Geek’s own site, where Eric Z. Goodnight has detailed all the Google searches, cost-per-page figures, and ink yield data you’ll need to put together to figure out whether your Canon, HP, Epson, or Lexmark is as effective as a Snapfish, Kodak, or other e-print provider. XLS-formatted spreadsheet download can be found in the middle of the post. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sit amet nisi posuere, aliqu

m velit nec, egestas erat. Aliquam ipsum magna, consectetur sit amet pellentesque et, blandit blandit nunc. Vivamus ullamcorper, nisi in mollis semper, est justo convallis augue, imperdiet tempus diam lorem quis felis. Praesent et mollis enim. Quisque elementum placerat consequat. Vestibulum porta urna eget dui fringilla vulputate. Nunc condimentum facilisis nisl, eu rhoncus libero tempus sed. Maecenas efficitur libero et ante aliquam varius. Etiam eros lorem, accumsan a semper non, congue nec leo. Integer aliquam efficitur est, et faucibus felis aliquet quis. Sed augue metus, laoreet in egestas vitae, maximus id diam. Maecenas aliquam lacinia vulputate. Pellentesque eu risus quis lectus efficitur sollicitudin.It’s time to take everything you learned in college about economies of scale and apply it to that ink-sucking monster with the lonely USB cable. Is it cheaper to print photo-quality prints at home, or through an online vendor? This spreadsheet knows. It’s a helpful, formula-laden, and free download at the How-To Geek’s own site, where Eric Z. Goodnight has detailed all the Google searches, cost-per-page figures, and ink yield data you’ll need to put together to figure out whether your Canon, HP, Epson, or Lexmark is as effective as a Snapfish, Kodak, or other e-print provider. XLS-formatted spreadsheet download can be found in the middle of the post. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sit amet nisi posuere, aliquam velit nec, egestas erat. Aliquam ipsum magna, consectetur sit amet pellentesque et, blandit blandit nunc.

Vivamus ullamcorper, nisi in mollis semper, est justo convallis augue, imperdiet tempus diam lorem quis felis. Praesent et mollis enim. Quisque elementum placerat consequat. Vestibulum porta urna eget dui fringilla vulputate. Nunc condimentum facilisis nisl, eu rhoncus libero tempus sed. Maecenas efficitur libero et ante aliquam varius. Etiam eros lorem, accumsan a semper non, congue nec leo. Integer aliquam efficitur est, et faucibus felis aliquet quis. Sed augue metus, laoreet in egestas vitae, maximus id diam. Maecenas aliquam lacinia vulputate. Pellentesque eu risus quis lectus efficitur sollicitudin.

Industry, Life Style, Photograph

Spreadsheet Tells You Whether to Print Photos at Home or Order Out

It’s time to take everything you learned in college about economies of scale and apply it to that ink-sucking monster with the lonely USB cable. Is it cheaper to print photo-quality prints at home, or through an online vendor? This spreadsheet knows.

It’s a helpful, formula-laden, and free download at the How-To Geek’s own site, where Eric Z. Goodnight has detailed all the Google searches, cost-per-page figures, and ink yield data you’ll need to put together to figure out whether your Canon, HP, Epson, or Lexmark is as effective as a Snapfish, Kodak, or other e-print provider. XLS-formatted spreadsheet download can be found in the middle of the post.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut sit amet nisi posuere, aliquam velit nec, egestas erat. Aliquam ipsum magna, consectetur sit amet pellentesque et, blandit blandit nunc. Vivamus ullamcorper, nisi in mollis semper, est justo convallis augue, imperdiet tempus diam lorem quis felis. Praesent et mollis enim. Quisque elementum placerat consequat. Vestibulum porta urna eget dui fringilla vulputate. Nunc condimentum facilisis nisl, eu rhoncus libero tempus sed. Maecenas efficitur libero et ante aliquam varius. Etiam eros lorem, accumsan a semper non, congue nec leo. Integer aliquam efficitur est, et faucibus felis aliquet quis. Sed augue metus, laoreet in egestas vitae, maximus id diam. Maecenas aliquam lacinia vulputate. Pellentesque eu risus quis lectus efficitur sollicitudin.

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1 minute read
Industry, Life Style, Photograph

Five Best Photo-Printing Sites

Digital cameras are fantastic for letting us experiment, take tons of photos, and search for the perfect shot. Digital picture frames and at-home prints are often poor substitutes for real photos. Get a great print at one of these five photo-printing sites.

Once upon a time people took photos and dutifully carted their film down to the photo shop to get developed, waiting to see how the photos turned out. Now people immediately check whether or not the shot was good on the display of their digital camera, and more often than not stuff the photos onto their hard drives or upload them to their Flickr accounts, but never get around to actually printing them and preserving them in a physical form. If you’ve been meaning to get around to printing more photos and saving them from their fate of digital obscurity, the following five Lifehacker reader-selected sites can help you.